Youth Volunteers


Habitat for Humanity 

The build for the St. Mark the Evangelist sponsored house begins in February. Here are the projected dates - all dates are Saturdays.

February 1, 8, 15, 22, March 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29. 

Sign Ups will open soon.

Valentine's Weekend Child Care

Saturday, February 15th we will provide child care in support of the Knights of Columbus Country Dance. This will be a fundraiser for Youth Ministry. We are looking for teens to watch the children of people in our community while parents get the opportunity to go on a date! 

Sign Up Genius



Liturgical Ministries

Some opportunities for Ministry Service at the church include volunteering as an altar server, lector, or usher during Saturday evening and Sunday Masses. Youth are invited to play an instrument for the 10am, 2pm (Spanish), and 5pm Masses, sing in the choir (especially the 5pm Mass), and help projecting the lyrics for the 5pm Mass. Once teens have been confirmed, they can also be trained as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC or EM) 

  • Lectors contact David Munoz:  
  • Ushers contact Jan Danielski: 
  • Altar Servers contact Ryan Kurburski: 
  • Choir and A/V contact Jose Gonzalez:
  • EMHC contact Sylvia Richmond: