Volunteer and Lead >

Meal Team

Meal Team

Here are the two ways you can help: serve on Meal Team or "Sponsor a Meal" 

Meal Team Responsibilities 

1. Arrive at 5pm to cook - meet in the Community Center Kitchen. You will receive an email with instructions for dinner preparations.

2. Serve the meal starting at 6pm - bring over the food from the kitchen to New Legacy. The teens can serve themselves, so stay close to monitor the lines and set out food as it runs out.

3. Clean up afterwards, leave by 7pm at the very latest

The time commitment will be about 2 hours, depending on clean up. We are looking for 3-5 volunteers each night. You can volunteer for meals on Sundays during the fall semester here:

Sunday Meal Team

You can volunteer for meals on Mondays during the year here:

Monday Meal Team


How to "Sponsor a Meal" 

1. Click on the button below for the date you'd like to sponsor.

2. Sign up for an item or two - make sure to read the quantity and size of the items!

3. Bring the item to the Kitchen by the Community Center Gym (Building 2). There will be a fridge with a sign that says "Youth Meal Donations", and you may place your donations in that fridge by 3pm on Sundays (unless directed otherwise).

A note on the "sponsor a meal" sign ups: These signups will close Fridays at noon before the Sunday meal you sign up for (ex: if you sign up to bring something on Sunday, October 23rd, the sign up will close Friday, October 21st at noon). Do not bring anything if you have not signed up for it by that time, as Youth Ministry staff will place an order for what items we still need. 

For the most part: Meal Team cooks the meal on Sundays and those who wish to "Sponsor a Meal" bring in uncooked items, unless otherwise specified. Examples: pizza will be purchased by St. Mark, we just need someone to pick it up and help serve it to the teens. But on nights like Soup or Chili Night, we are looking for a few of you to bring in a pot of chili or soup precooked for the group. 


Thank you! If you have any questions contact Megan Byers at

210-494-1959 ext. 332
