Core Team

Join Our Team

Core Members are Catholic adult and young adult volunteers who join the mission of leading teens closer to Jesus. It takes many volunteers with a wide variety of gifts and skills to effectively support our Middle School & High School Youth Ministry outreach.

If you're interested or want to find out more about Core Team contact us at (210) 494-1959 or email Megan to set up a time to meet in person. 


VIRTUS Safe Environment

All Core Members must complete Safe Environment Training as required by the Archdiocese of San Antonio. You can complete the training and background check on the VIRTUS website. The trainings required for those serving in youth ministry are "Protecting God's Children" and "Sexual Harassment Prevention." 


Core Team Responsibilities

Relational Ministry - get to know the youth of our parish, help them feel welcome and safe

Small Group Facilitation - ask questions to the youth about the topics of the night, briefly answer their questions or direct them to resources, help direct conversations back when they get off topic

Proclaims & Testimonies - occasionally share your story with the youth or present a teaching if comfortable

Lead Activities - help facilitate games, skits, prayer experiences when needed


Monthly Core Meetings

Wednesdays from 7-8pm (typically first Wednesday of month)

September 4th

October 2nd

November 6th

December 4th - potential Core Christmas Party 

January 8th - moved to second Sunday for winter break

February 5th

no March meeting due to Ash Wednesday

April 2nd


Time Commitment for Core Team

Confirmation Core - first Sunday of the month 2:30-4:30pm for a brief meeting and Confirmation Prep

Life Teen & Edge Core - almost weekly meetings on Sunday or Monday evenings from 6:30-8:00pm plus a monthly Core meeting on the first Wednesday of every month (except January and March) from 7-8pm to go over programming. These meetings will be in person in New Legacy.

Occasional Core Team social - usually Christmas and End of the Year parties - optional


Training Resources

Life Teen Blog

The following blog posts might be directed to youth ministry staff, but the principles apply to every Catholic disciple who gives of their time and talent through youth ministry. Because really, we are ALL youth ministers through our mentorship and prayers.

Family Matters: Families in Ministry

Healthy Habits: Building Relationships This Year

Holistic Self-Care as a Youth Minister

Ask Joel Playlist

Life Teen's YouTube Channel - Joel Stepanek at Life Teen has a playlist of videos answering common questions that teenagers have about the faith. Check them out both for helpful answers and as a model for listening well to the questions of young people.